Installation Guide

By following the steps in this tutorial, you will be able to install nPhone.

1. Sound API

Click here to install xsound, it will be used by the Music app. If you are not going to use the Music app, just don't download the resource.

2. Server CFG

The server.cfg file, should look like this:

ensure oxmysql
ensure framework
ensure voice_system
ensure xsound

ensure nPhone

3. Configuration

When you have everything installed on your server, the only thing left is to configure it to your liking and the first start-up. Next we will configure some aspects of the phone:

Require item?

Specify the name of the item

Phone open key?


Valet service for the Garage app?

Specify the price

Use server time?

Date format

Hour format

Custom link

You can place your discord invite link, webstore, etc.

Temperature Measurement

Upload Webhook

* You can place this file in nPhone/config

* Todas estas características se podrán modificar en el archivo final de configuración.